Greener Pastures Farm - Current News

Jon kneels down to let the pregnant Cascade Farmstead ewes check him out. Visit our website to learn more about these great little low-maintenance, no-shear, meat sheep!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More Cascade Farmstead Lambs!

The countdown continues. We are currently at 15 ewe lambs and 10 ram lambs on the ground and 5 ewes that have not lambed yet. We have not had to assist with any lambings, which is the norm, and actually did not see any of them born! They've been very secretive this year.

Above are Greener Pastures Lucille and Laverne with their dam. They are 8 days old in this photo taken yesterday.

And here is part of our flock of Cascade Farmstead ewes and lambs as of yesterday. Not everybody is in this photo... they like to spread out, and as I recall, there was a new mother inside the barn behind me with her handsome and still wet ram lamb. His name is Greener Pastures Lionheart. It's the "L" year, you know.

~ Ronda

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